Licence Rating Recurrent or Renewal

Revalidating your existing Aircraft Ratings.

When Companies do not provide, or you are between jobs at the moment

Keep current so that you are always ready for flying.

We have excellent Examiners who are very experienced, combined with a friendly and approachable personality. Majority are also serving Airline Captains, so are fully up-to-date on the latest Airline requirements and procedures.

Whether your Licence or Rating is about to expire soon, or perhaps they have already expired recently or for a longer period, it is time to become current again so you are ready to fly. As without being current there is next to no chance of Airlines accepting your application to them for assessment.

Keeping current with three take off’s and landings in ninety days is not always easy to do, as perhaps there is very little flying to go round during the low season in your Airline. Just know that we are here to assist you, should your Airline say they are not providing the simulator session to get you back online.

Our Examiners will conduct the appropriate level of testing in the simulator, and knowledge testing that is required for the training conducted. We will provide you all the assistance and support you require.

No matter how long you have not flown for, what is a sure thing is that the personal ability will return, just allow yourself more simulator time the longer you have been out of the aircraft or simulator for over time.

Get that licence all up to date and ready for action.

If you are interested to discuss what we can provide to you, please get in touch via:

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