Cabin Crew Provision

Senior Cabin Crew and Junior Cabin Crew.

Providing You with our smart and helpful Cabin Crew

Making sure Clients and Passengers enjoy the flight.

We supply Cabin Crew either employed by us, or outsourced to you from us as agents. In both arrangements we have screened and assessed the Cabin Crew, before they start with your Airline or Aviation Company. Whether you require permanent, temporary, full time, or part time Cabin Crew, we provide the professionals to you.

All Crew are bespoke sourced, experienced to the level requested, and hold current  qualifications and training for possible positions. Our professional management interview and assess each individual at the initial stage to maintain the highest standard. You set the specific qualifications and experience required from the Personnel you require for the position(s).

All candidates held on file will be selected, then further stages of compliance before submission towards the position. Personnel are subject to both ours and your own standard company contractual rules, conditions, and operating procedures. Working together with your additional specifications and requirements we can incorporate these into relevant contracts.

With ever changing conditions in the Aviation market, Airlines/Companies benefit from assisted operations. We can help to reduce your own employees workload, and be ready for sudden new opportunities. Obligations are taken care of by us, and Crew are supplied to the duration of the contract assignment you state.

Your Airline/Company have a straight forward hourly fixed cost for the Personnel and Services provided. The Personnel supplied have all their financial obligations taken care of by us, such as remuneration, taxes, benefits etc. Plus with invoices from us you can offset costs against your company taxes.

Meaning you have Crew/Personnel without any of the headaches, making operations more efficient and saving you money. Our objective is to provide you with a one step solution to Personnel resourcing for your Airline/Company.

Ideal for extra demand situations, seasonal changes, fleet expansion, and operational flexibility. We are confident that the solution can be provided by us to you, in an ongoing successful business relationship.

Have some questions or suggestions, feel free to chat to us about them in detail.

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