Airline Transport Pilots Licence

Training you to become a Professional Pilot.

The career you have always dreamed of is awaiting you

Can you imagine doing what you love as a job.

You have passed the stepping stone of the Private Pilots Licence giving you that taste for Aviation, and are now eager to turn your Basic Wings into the most Advanced Wings proceeding towards a Professional Pilots Licence, namely the much admired and respected Airline Transport Pilots Licence (ATPL).

Before the flight training will be the Theoretical Training and Exams, the training can be a full time course, or a modular course studied from home. Ending up with the knowledge to attempt the 14 Theoretical Exams, each of which can only be attempted a total of 4 times, and all of which completed in maximum of 6 exam sittings, and 18 months to pass all exams from the date of the first exam.

To begin the Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) training, the frozen ATPL, you must be over 21 Years Old, hold a PPL Night Rating, and have 150 hours of flight time in your logbook.

During the training you will accrue more hours, and must end up with at least 200 hours of flight time (inclusive of not less than 100 hours Pilot In Command), before you may take the CPL Skills Test.

The frozen ATPL flight training consists of Instrument Rating (IR) training, in two parts simulator and aircraft, and the Commercial Pilots Licence (CPL) training in the aircraft. After competing of IR training there is an Instrument Rating Test, and after completing the CPL training there is an Commercial Pilots Licence Test.

If you do the Instrument Rating training and test first, then you gain a discount of 10 hours from the Commercial Pilots Licence training, reducing CPL training from 35 hours training to 25 hours training.

The Instrument Rating training and test must be completed on a multi engine aircraft if you wish use the Instrument Rating on a multi engine aircraft afterwards, otherwise training and test on a single engine restricts you using the Instrument Rating on a single engine aircraft afterwards. Needless to say completing an Instrument Rating on a multi engine qualifies you to also use the Instrument Rating on a single engine aircraft.

Commercial Pilots Licence training can be completed on a single engine aircraft, as it has no bearing on operating a multi engine aircraft Commercially, ultimately also saving you money on the aircraft hire during training.

Once you have completed the training and passed the tests for both the Instrument Rating and the Commercial Pilots Licence, you now will receive a valid Commercial Pilots Licence, along with included the frozen ATPL.

You have the licence in your pocket, now just the final steps to be ready for the Airlines.

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